It's been a while since I last updated this blog. Sorry for that, but I've been busy.
I'm back in school, and even though I am only taking three classes there seems to be a lot of work for each of them. Just keeping up with the reading for each class has been keeping me busy enough, let alone writing papers too.
This semester I have Public Speaking, Baptist History and Belief, and Old Testament Survey. I am really enjoying all my classes and am learning a lot, which hopefully I will be able to apply in the future.
It has been a rough transition to back in school though. It has seemed like I cannot get into a good routine, with working one day a week, and trying to balance school work with family time. I certainly don't want to neglect Kerri and the kids for the sake of my school, but I also want to put in adequate time to my school work. Maybe I'll figure out a routine by the end of the semester!
There has also been a lot of stuff going on outside of school and work. I have taken on a role as an elder at our church, and also am co-teaching an adult Sunday-school class. This has been very good, but again, takes up time from my schedule.
Through all of it God has been faithful though. Somehow I've been able to keep going, in spite of what has seemed like too much work and too little time.
We have received a lot of bad news recently. My grandma is in the hospital, which has been very difficult for me personally. At this point we are still unsure what the future holds for her, but thankfully, she has faith in God. We are praying for her, as well as my grandpa as he deals with this situation, and would ask that you pray for them too.
A good friend of ours has found out recently that her husband has been having an affair for a while, and is now leaving her and her kids.
I could go on and on with all the bad stuff that's been happening recently. It seems like it has been one thing after another for us, but God is still right there alongside us.
On a more positive note, Kerri and I just celebrated our 11th anniversary, and have the opportunity to take a trip overseas soon (more on this at a later date). The kids are doing great in their schools, and we have had the opportunity in the past few months to make some new friends and to deepen friendships with some old ones.
Unfortunately the weather has turned ugly, so we have been forced to put away the climbing gear until next spring. The joys of winter in Canada, eh?
I guess we will have to find some climbing areas in Niger when we get there in a couple years. They don't have winter there! Yay for climbing year-round!