Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Davao City here we come!

Our tickets are booked! 
We fly out of Calgary on Thursday, July 7th at 7:40pm and arrive in LA at 9:50pm, then leave at 11:50pm and fly to Seoul, Korea arriving there on Saturday at 4:20am, leaving again at 8:10am arriving in Manila at 11:00am and leaving at 3:30pm, finally arriving in Davao at 5:20pm. 

I have also been sent my class list and there are 12 of us starting in August, a really small class and I'm excited to meet all my classmates in just a few months.



Julianne said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you and pray you all will have safe travels.
This next week all of us girl's are purchasing our flight tickets to Davao, for August.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for all of you!!
Hopefully, God willing, we'll meet next year! :-D